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Classification of liquid crystals

Friday, 3 January 2014

Classification of liquid crystals
  • Liquid crystals may be broadly classified into twoThermotropic liquid crystals: are those that exhibit liquid crystalline state on change of temperature alone. Example: para azoxyanisole.
  •  Lyotropic liquid crystals: these exhibit liquid crystalline state in mixtureand when the concentration of one of the constituents is varied. Example: soap.
 Nematic liquid crystals:
  • These have thread like texture. ( Greek nematos = thread).
  • These are formed from optically inactive compounds.
  • The molecules do not have positional order but the molecules are arranged parallel to oneanother and hence have orientational order.
  • Less Viscous as they are less closely arranged
  • Fluidity is more
  • p- azoxy anisole is an example for nematic liquid crystals. 

Chiral nematic or twisted nematic or cholesteric liquid crystals.
  • Cholesteric liquid crystals exhibit finger print texture.
  • These are formed from optically active compounds.
  • A group of molecules is oriented at an angle to the adjacent group of molecules such that the director takes a helical path as it travels through the liquid crystal just as a nut is moved on to a screw.
  • The distance through which a director travels as it completes one full rotation is called the pitch of the liquid crystal.
  • Less Viscous as they are less closely arranged
  • Fluidity is more
  • Eg for chiral nematic liquid crystal is cholesteryl benzoate.

Smectic liquid crystals:
  • Greek smectos = soap
  • Smectic liquid crystals exhibit focal conic (broken fan )texture
  • Molecules are arranged in layers. At any instant of time the number of molecules within a layer is much more than the number of molecules between the layers.
  • Highly Viscous as they are closely arranged
  • Fluidity is less
  • Depending of the orientation of the molecules( inclination to the director) smectic liquid crystals are called smectic A,.B,C etc.
Discotic liquid crystals:
  •  Here the molecules are disk like.
  • These may be columnar liquid crystals or discotic nematic liquid crystals.
  • In columnar liquid crystals, the molecules are stacked one above the other forming a column. In discotic nematic liquid crystals the molecules have coin like shape and have no positional order but possess orientational order.The columns form definite shape such as hexagon.
  • Highly Viscous as they are closely arranged
  • Fluidity is less
  • Eg: Benzene-hexa –n- alkanoates

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